Well this is it Pile i'm sick of this server your a great Mod and i'm sorry for everything i've done to make it terrible for you but corrupt mods...
I overreacted ignore dis.
Also, he hacks super hard I lost a god sword because of his hacks..
Probs not LOL
If you read the thing correctly dude you can ask for forum name changes xD
I chose the dumbest name ever and I kinda regret it and I would like my name changed to TheRealCreeperZ it would be most appreciated THX!
Nope can't even get into my locked chests.
They do work for me... I don't have any perms. to destroy
I'll wait for you on there grayson IGN: OoCreeperZoO
Skygrid which protects land but I live in that base too and he's not banned so could you remove it?
You don't work harder you just get perms to set extra homes which means it's easier for you to make spawners and not mess up your original base :)
Well Grayson could you plz get Pile on if you can't destroy sponges I reallyneed someone to fix my base thx :)
ALso this has nothing to do with this but my friend ImKroniqL got banned and on Skygrid he has a sponge on our base and chests locked any chance...
You also get everything from the other below kits right?
Then how do all the Gods seem to get mcmmo MUCH faster?
If you donate for God do you get extra mcmmo XP so if I killed a mob instead of getting 500 would I get likee doubled oh anything on...
I still wouldn't i've known ppl on minecraft for a year I won't download files from them.
No offence but NEVER go on Skype with randoms you can get DDoS'd never download files from people you don't know.
Your ingame name: OoCreeperZoO The offender's ingame name: NathanR_24 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Scammed me as you...