and up
1 :o
plz help me xD only thing i could get was pup
hi :)
Your all the best <3
Pud_Pud That was sooo hard I know my keyboard good enough :D
k8ir4by6o32 (close enough)
a coca-cola bottle with a dead bug in it... get rekt zombies
7/10 i <3 purple
banned for saying Pud_Pud is the best Banned for making me hungry :/
banned for not using any periods :D
Banned for being NOT the coolest elephant banned for being the coolest elephant on the block
banned for thinking.
banned for leaving me
banned for having nothing to say.
banned pud_pud for having the same name, age, birthday, and picture
banned cuz you will be on later
banned because idk i have nothing this time... you cant meet me on Mc
banned for not getting on