Hai my name is Xanthious I changed my name ign to Xanthious so I want to change my forum name to Xanthious please comment below If it's possible...
I been playing clash of clans for awhile im th10 i dont really play that much anymore cause idk what to do on it anymore
i didnt even change my name though
Wats ur plot id?
no soz :(
My exact in game name is: DraggyChris My purchased rank is/was: God My exact issue and or game mode where the problem is: I have God rank on all...
Your ingame name: DraggyChris The offender's ingame name: mummy89898 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: This player scammed...
yes please
i got my plot back somehow the guy that claimed it told a mod or something and i got it back!! :)
dontchallengme dont u have 100 plots?
Ty fryzigg It Worked :)
On Op Prison I Did/p tp 100000;100000 And I Got Teleported To Lobby When I Got Back Into Op Prison I Teleport To Lobby Please Help My IGN Is:...
Hi My Ign Is DraggyChris I was making a Op Shop then someone came and claimed my plot i dont know how but they dispose i still cant claim because...
His IGN: Zentios Zentios is doing /me [Players Name] [Bad Stuff] Heres A Screenshot:
My Ign: DraggyChris Im missing my god rank on prison i have it on all servers but prison can a staff member that have perms please give me my God...
It not all p5
Opfactions I Offer -2 Million -5 Stacks of Gapples -5 Stacks of Ceggs -My Base That Has 7 Dubs Full of Armor And More