ok how about protection 3 armour then?
but the cooldown can be like a week
I am not sure about the price, that's for mineverse to decide
yes, but maybe it should just be every 2 days or 3, also it should have a high price, to buy, would this kit ruin the economy?
Hey there PigBusiness here, now I don't normally post on the forums, but I thought this was a good idea and I think it should be added to Kitpvp....
I came to say Merry Christmas, and also could you look at my ban appeal for kitpvp? thanks
TBH I think there isn't enough proof that you brought the rank, this could be any transaction, is your pay pal connected to your email? you should...
Me getting scammed [MEDIA]
On sky block I scammed 65,ooo by an elite named Awesomus124, please ban him and please am I allowed my 65k back? [MEDIA]
This is a trap on sky-block that i died from and i would like to report it. Please click this link [MEDIA] thanks for reading.
Kinsey_Kid is a great player and is always helping people out when there in need, he tries to stop arguments, sorts out scams and is polite to...
I agree with this, I don't like the new thing where you cant put eggs in spawner's... Please change It back or do what halex said :)
[MEDIA] Please skip to 30 seconds in there was a recording falt in the first 30 seconds sorry :(
Why was my ban appeal denied ?
Minekingzuck123 scammed me on op factions when i was trying to buy kit starter [MEDIA]
[MEDIA] Basically I was trying to buy a kit of him and he then scammed me :(.
Incorrect Post