Well. Duh.
Proof? Your balance is looking a little shabby
lol you aren't even free why are you in the free world?
elvinar bluecharmander12 homophobic behavior and name calling proof http://gyazo.com/64b0a9f2244586e4e5a2d2c9ed9ce15e
It says their IGN's when they get tag someone
All-star hair? Or BK randy try hard fake all stars?
Please disable them in the free world. I can't be the only one who finds it annoying when people use alts to get power and become unraidable...
I deed not think of dis. ;-;
About to auc it on kit
You can still get gold. Can't get invis anymore.
yea http://gyazo.com/895ceb4fd263c650db66bbc503ba7653
yes I miss the invis potions so much. I've only got one left. ;-;
Hello! I'm the last one to complain about all the OP people, but it is getting pretty lame. Spooky, DCM, PrattGamez and I, were fishing for like 3...
Oh my god agusoff just talked his way out of yet another ban. -.-
I apologize. :(
There isn't enough info to solve.