<---- this idiot SUPPORTS xD (You forgot the one where if you do /warp (warp you block glitch through the warp and fall) ;-; its worse for the non...
I don't have a soul
Finally got my new laptop! But lost all of my files I had on it.... Goodbye all free adobe products ;-;
I might what type are yours?
Swag you know what I look like, I'm surprised my camera didn't break just from the one I have now.
This is the only picture I have of me D:
You make me feel guilty for changing my picture...
oh haha you're funny.... Stop getting your profile pics off google Swag D:
What shops O.o and thank you <3
Thank you :D
Welcome to the forums :D Glad to see you're on here.
Glad to see you're finally on the forums :D (Don't mind my profile pic XD)
I know this post does not belong in this article but I wasn't sure where to put it. Sorry for any inconvenience. Warp: /Warp Mexico Reason for...
"Don't sharpen that knife" ~xWinterWafflesx 2K15-16
XD New Profile pic XDD im dumb
Got a new headset, can't wait to record when I get my new laptop :DD
Feeling pumped :D
Hey, you probably don't remember me but the next time you're on i'll tell you who I am :P
Thanks for the tip, I'll be sure to remember it.