chcooclatebros is a lier guys it find he needs to be baned and I need to be unban on ryan2624 because I don't got hack stuuf no more because I...
I gave it to you it was a helment and sold it for 4000
lol you mine god amor
I got baned and I sold it to chocolatebros for 4000
ign Mackenzie_willms ok I had hack and I sold it to chocolatebros for 4000 on ryan2624 ans switch it on to this aucct then I got then I gave it...
you don't got proff and I don't have
your ign ryan2624 this guy said he had hack thorns1k and I got a sreen shot of it hes ign is commandoty1
all done with this now
thanks for my money back noobcrew
favin12 and itseml hacked iron amor I waz skpeing with him and he said he had 300 and like 64 pices
sure I do I don't got no more and if I did the can cheak my echest and everthing they wont I got no hack amor
I got a screen shot of him saying he skamed me to plz, Ban him and I need my 2000 in game money back noobcrew. So plz plz do something about this...
I whuild buy it for 10000
I want that hack amor