Hello I was wondering how you make a gif or picture as your signature. If you know could you give me a step by step How To please? -Ace
TBH even if the server resets donors still have their kits. So they basically lost nothing. As for the people who worked hard to get OP Armour...
Who else knows the Skyblock Fly glitch command?
I wish Hoppers and Nether Portals worked in skyblock. And Why hasnt my rank come back to me in survival ;/
Your ingame name: XxSGA_AcexX The offender's ingame name: LolCats4Life A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Advertising A...
Has anyone else got the minecraft disease minepox?
Who is a mod I need to tell them something.
Why not just suggest enderchest+ plugin? It increases your capacity for your enderchest. (Turning it into a double ender chest .) It's better...
Your ingame name: XxSGA_AcexX The offender's ingame name: jackpow A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: scamming me on kitpvp...
Could not get proof of advertising but he was advertising something called swagcraft.
Your ingame name: XxSGA_AcexX The offender's ingame name: Wizzywazzards A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Spamming, and...
The Multiplayer Service for minecraft is down? Thanks Obama.
Ugg cant connect to minecraft servers because of a socket error create or something anyone please help me!
Your ingame name: XxSGA_AcexX The offender's ingame name: LunarEquity A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Harassment/ Racism....
Why dont I have Sponsor rank on the new survival server >.<
U W0T M80?
Pathetic if your gonna betray a server dont donate on it. And really such a lack of loyalty.
Yea I know that's the first thing I do when i see someone advertise. Then I tell other people the command in game.