Owner: Spooky_Ghostex Co-Owner: SLeMuN Admin: DontChallengeme Admin: Davisabog Admin: MCExplore T-Admin:Elvinar Good luck to anybody that applies...
Ign:Spooky_Ghostex Game mode banned on: Prison Link to accepted...
@MissPVP and @Oniontacobean No doubt they have the same age and same personality they both like to talk about there lives and Sweq :P Please like...
It's not really if you just agree with me it would be easily solved Mc just say yes "Why you gotta be so rude" :P I think you guys really do of so...
I truly do hate you man :P I support cause your really active on those server's yeah s Good Luck Buddy >:D <3
@omie2001 I have nothing to say cause i don't know you sorry buddy :D <3
I swear you guys do everything together most of the time like OP Factions have a faction :D Together you guys probably have a secret room with a...
I think this would have to be the best :D :P @Dontchallengeme and @MCExplore Cute couple :D 10/10 rate <3 Sweq
Rlly have to do this really know I'm already suppose to be unbanned .-. ill do it later.
Your ingame name:Spooky_Ghostex The offender's ingame name:Spooky_Ghostex A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:Not being...
I don't know what happen to my last message I posted but I will still **Do not cuss on the forums** you :p <3 Support hope you die while I'm...
Ok so it says that Oniontacobean is lobby banned but in the video it might seem like it was him but he was actually in a Skype call with...
Your ingame name:Spooky_Ghostex The offender's ingame name:idy A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:Disrespect...
Stop using Mc"Donald connection thanks you please fix this get lagg your server and Cyps it getting it wuld be wonderful thanx a lot for a laggy...
See you later.Well really @Oniontacobean why quit when you have worked so hard.We nearly ever Skype anymore :( and you were like the person that...
Matt10chr Honestly you were like my really old friend on mineverse i don't think you should quit you've been on this server for a long time.Just...
You know i really don't support because you often aren't on that much I've been playing prison the past week or before that and i barely saw you...
Supoort! <3 :P Good Luck
Your ingame name: Spooky_Ghostex Moderator name: Gwism A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Abuse Evidence/screenshots.[media]