Ur Gei
Monstercat for life.
Cause u hav no evidence
Ign: Fuzzybearrr Game mode banned on: Hellblock Link to accepted appeal:...
Dude honestly 2 things 1. Stop puting ur intro in reprts thers no point its not like u need it because we know ur philip320 2. /! Is allowed I...
I have recently quit the server because the new mods arnt as fun as u wer pile I want u back u wer the best mod mineverse ever had and the new...
How do I delete sorry the picture didnt work!?
Your ingame name: Fuzzybearrr The offender's ingame name: Thunder0727 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Swearing at me...
vJiggles DOESNT HACK im serious its SUPER obvious that he doesnt how can u think he hacks where in this video shows he hacks!?
I skype with these guys almost every day and can confirm that Fat_Chips hacks but not vJiggles or Gizzbots
Whats your tp?
vJiggles isnt hacking your just mad cause u died tbh. Its obvious the fat chips was hacking but GizzBots and vJiggles arnt so obvious
Noob xD haha jk luv ya ;)
Well I didnt realize it sais tp to THEM and I was at oldspawn selling enders so I accepted and lost full p4 inbrek 3 thorns 2 and a sharp v smite...
On the kit pvp I was recently tped trapped cause ther was no exit to the room I was getting trapped in and I think the room should be removed...
Do u need help building it? I helped on hypixel for the santa last Christmas
I think that Mineverse should make a new kit pvp world cause the one you have now is boring u need new stuff and new spawn and if u want to...