Daaaaaamn WTF?
do you have steam ? can i add you ? and play some games ?
Bump Bump Bump
you there?
------------------------WELCOME---------------------------- ingamename: Spongebobpaul99 rank: Titan reason why left : i'm addicted this game csgo...
hello tin ? could you help me ? reply this please
do you have steam ?
i have Titan account Spongebobpaul99 i offer it for you for 3 csgo gift card.
alright deleted :)
Your ingame name: spongebobpaul99 The offender's ingame name: Vindigator_Gr A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Tresspassing,...
i'm allowed to post about selling my account ? if not nvm <3 !
#Hashtag Thanks !
how did i hacked ?
We're Both Scammer ? LOL !
Your Mod ban him now !
Pile isn't on !
@kirbyo32 @almarobb123 @pokemaniac01
Your ingame name: Spongebobpaul99 The offender's ingame name: ash3073 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: scamming or What ?...