Gangsta, to be honest you seem like you are really sucking up because Noobcrew is here. I don't see why you think its ok for a bait and switch...
First, thanks for responding. Second, for the missing commands. all the /f commands do not work. I.E. /f show, /f power etc. Also, your faction...
He just came here for attention, don't give it to him. I'm sure he does hack and is just writing this so that when he gets caught he can say it...
Noobcrew, that was a terrible decision. You alienated recurring players to appease those you don't have. The spawn is terrible, and you just...
Noobcrew, I am a vip, shouldn't I have been upgraded higher? I was not at all past my vip rank. Also my kit is glitched, it has 0 commands on any...
Hi guys I'm new to the forums. PRetty much I bought the donor rank vip. On some servers I have a green name, others yellow, on some i have kit...