w well maby she should of told a mod to watch him but no she let it slide
just trying to prove my point because all u mods are agiants me with no proof
never said this will get me unban
mineterrer u dont know anything about what happen so take ur comments somewhere else
where is ur evidence that i disrespected a mod u have none
u should of just stade demoted because i think personley that rakion is a better mod then u
u guys have no proof or evidence
wheres ur eveidence that i broke a rule on the forums wheres the pic
btw mineterrier this not ur business so go and can u pls stop looking at what i posted
why did u ban me if i broke a rule on kik when u did the same rule
so if i get ban for being disrespectful on kik why doesn't she get demoted there are both the same reason
even more evidence http://m.imgur.com/M3ZKDWF http://m.imgur.com/JriyBrn http://m.imgur.com/hRLiRaI
Your ingame name:wildcatdog Moderator name:laura A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:u could just see ur self...