its been a day
gg -_- he banned me for no reason on creative
when elric will com on online
hew your the best m8 u ga ve me a comeback
i am playing on the server from 4 years mate never got muted or banned expect today and yesterday .
not my fault he banned me on creative for nothing -_-
well paradox what happend is i was e xplaing to a mod why i was banned in factions and i said the word kill your self he thought it was for him...
banned on creative for nothing .......
just done that thanks for your help.
what the hell man i tried to explain to a mod why i got banned in factions and he just banned me on ING CREATIVE FOR 4 ING WEEKS GOOD JOB MOD WHAT...
what the hell man i tried to explain to a mod why i got banned in factions and he just banned me on ING CREATIVE FOR 4 ING WEEKS GOOD JOB...
cant go to your profile
ey start a conversation with me
wb add me on skype i ll send it to u on msgs