i just got thro the weirdest pictures on my pc
i am mind blowen atm
i just got mind F***ed on thro my pictures
max have u ever got to search in your pictures on your pc and found some weird stuff there ? if yes what was it cuz i found like a mind there
ey janice have u ever looked thro your whole pictures and found some weird stuff there ?? if yes what was it ?
hang on there mate i just noticed that ur name is red why ?? cuz you are a head-mod ?
happy B day
3bored5us ;-; HELP bored
thanks .
ya i think i wana close it atm
oh and i know this apply wont work out cuz i don't fully meet the requirements
well no need to see me but now u maybe can cuz i am on every server
dude they told me what are the minimum requirments and all what i need is the posts i have done the GAuth
maybe yes maybe no who knows ??
i dont have al ittle experience on the server but here yes you are right okay i am working on it cuz i dont know what is the 2FA yah i...
what about it ? are a mod nope
-_- rude
dont worry mate i am working on changing because the moderator thing needs alot of responsibility .