ok 1 dont come on peoples thread and just complain about them like dont you have better things to do?
ok thanks for that tip
thanks and i just edited it so thanks
Congratz Rakion its a big thing for you im guessing so CONGRATZ
How old are you? 13 Your in-game name: ZarboltHD Whats your real name: Tristin What timezone are you in? CA Pacific time What country do you live...
Well my Survival Got Griefed :(
well ok thanks for explaining that ill remember that for next time
well i no its not but i couldnt get it on video he just sat there and would not move or take damage
Your ingame name: ZarboltHD The offender's ingame name: slayerjr A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking...
im on mineverse right now
How old are you? 13 Your in-game name: ZarboltHD Real Name: Tristin Ehrismann What timezone are you in? Pacific What country do you live in?...
well once there gone and with no proof i think there gone forever not to sound mean but yea...
Super fun cant stop playing and im playing it right now
Lucky Congrats Guys You Deserve it
Name : Tristin Ehrismann IGN : ZarboltHD Age : 13 Skype : ill msg you it i dont want random invites Mineverse Rank : Dont Have one What are your...
Thanks Means A lot
Lol Thanks You The Man!
Hey Rakion Wats Up?