1. Moku8 2. 63ikea 3. ban evading 4. http://imgur.com/C46ay5x
1. Moku8 2. Spheredraptor32 3. Hacking 4. [media]
1. Moku8 2. tehbeatles 3. calling me a 36 year old freak like always! 4. http://imgur.com/tlZW96U
1. Moku8 2. Ringo24 3. Threatening to kill me if I don't shut up. 4. http://imgur.com/174HBY8
1. Moku8 2. Flareon100 3. Mean/rude. 4. http://imgur.com/w7Bnx6C
Delete this, please. :P
1. Moku8 2. XxherobrinematxX 3. Rude 4. http://imgur.com/2yD8AZ4
1. Moku8 2. Alyssaax3 3. Calling others words. ;3 4. http://imgur.com/dYT3UD4
1. Moku8 2. dannytrex 3. SUPER RUDE! 4. Evidence: http://imgur.com/GFfqAT0 http://imgur.com/OFdBGBW http://imgur.com/HbbObJ8...
1. Moku8 2. liamft123 3. saying budder in a fight (so he doesn't die) 4. screenshot:
Me, 321soulseeker123, Dr_mongosmurf w/ glaadiator! :D #sweg[ATTACH]
Sorry, deleted screenshot
Your ingame name: Moku8 The offender's ingame name: mjm12354 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: being rude.. (her other...
[ATTACH] #Sweg
My IGN: Moku8 His IGN: Cosmo2248 Hacks he used: Kill aura, anti knock back Evidence: [media]