No support.
No support. You use to hack, and still do. You're not active. You're toxic. You don't deserve this position.
Eh, support.
Support, but low chance of happening.
No one's stopping you to quit, I'm not trying to incourage you, just if you do want to quit, then go ahead... I'm not saying I want you to quit.....
Welcome :)!
No support until now. - Haven't seen you on forums or in MV Become more active, and maybe I'll be Neutral. Oh, and if you want a tip, try not to...
Add more detail. I don't necessarily like the lava parkour, make it more 'natural,' in my opinion. You don't have to, it's just if you do want to,...
My In-Game-Name: MrFishlips Game mode that the bug and/or glitch is effecting: The Climber ( Any Lobby ) So when you join The Climber on...
speaking of that, ive been out of my fish tank for a long while now.. Thanks for remindi- * Can't breathe * * Flops on floor *
Maybe you don't care, but others do. People suffering from bullying really sucks. Being judged everyday,and then you come on Mineverse just to...
You have a picture of Patrick 'dabbing' and YOU call @rebornn cringe? Oh, and also Reborn, I support %100. <3
Support - I like the detail.
No support, not enough detail. Good luck.