You're that person who always griefs houses on survival. You should be ashamed of yourself...
Going to Production, yaaya so excited and nervous!!!!!!
awh thx blue <3
Tomorrow's my Production show for my Drama. Wish me luck :)
MrFishlips Karl_Langhorn Hacking ( Killaura ) Evidence: [MEDIA] THANKS!
oooh cool whos the person filming btw?
Sorry I've been super inactive lately, It's school and everything. I'll be back on by tomorrow.. !!!
can't be bothered to do anything
you don't say
Killed three teams of 6 on bedwars today, it was only me and someone else :)
MrFishlips Insolation Disrespecful Evidence: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] @Andrewsj Thank you <3
Happy late birthday :)
Thanks chuwy
MrFishlips Marine0317 Hacking Evidence: [MEDIA] Thank you.
MrFishlips HKE_Chorong Bieng disrespectful. Evidence:
I got sunburnt... I can't.. Sit.. DOWN.
yes ;-;