Neutral. - Sorry, it's just the writing. I know you said you can be serious at times, but It's quite annoying. Good luck!
that's okay, i'll always support you <33
me pls
cries come back
Congrats :)
You're always salty to everyone, aren't you? Just grow up and stop dissing one of my favourite mods. I'd love to see YOU try to achieve being mod....
I'll always support you, Blue. Thanks for your amazing service.
No blue... I can't believe you're actually resigning :(. It's so sad to see another great mod go... Hope to see you apply in the future, no matter...
No support, sorry!
Congratulations to the new mods @Apocalypses @Disrespection
Yeah I'm getting off early haha
1 more week of school :)
MrFishlips [MEDIA]
Nope. You're actually so hilarious. You're VERY rude. You hack ALOT. You still hack to this day. No support, never change my mind.
awh wb <3
good thanks!!!!!!!
i'm crying, they put bedwars in the lobby navigator. Yay!
You cheat in infection.. Plus why do you always change the font. It's actually annoying...