I'm literally so excited for Christmas. I've been listening to Christmas songs from September.
um ok
we need to play CAI again sometime :)
Grats :) <3
say you won't let go
awh that sucks
Neutral. After looking through beyond pages and pages of these comments, you seem to act a bit immature. Leaning towards No support. Good luck.
Neutral. Hardly ever seen you. - I'm on a lot of times during the day. Goodluck.
MrFishlips awseomeguy531 Hacking Evidence: [MEDIA] TY.
MrFishlips Tintin2014 Hacking Evidence: [MEDIA] TY
MrFishlips GameL0rd191 ( The 0 is a zero ) Hacking. Evidence: [MEDIA] TY.
MrFishlips FantomYT Hacking [MEDIA] TY.
^ Agreed.
Are you actually kidding me? No support at all. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] No need to act all nice @Cartilage , I've...
No support. You don't reach the required amount of posts. You're inactive Never seen you Good luck.
still happy <3
It's so sad to see a lot of my friends pass bye like that, some without even saying goodbye to me. I am actually so sad rn. Good times.
Support, you're very nice to people on the forums and in-game. When you were a mod, you did a great job, and I hope to see you on the team again....
No support, sorry. - I've never seen you In game ( Not to sure if Timezones ) - I don't see you much on the forums - Get more active on both, and...