:( 1
Dude, if you set it at spawn then start jumping the blocks there and keep doing it until you get to the place where you can build. (lots of lava...
Spawn is here:
Are you boatdude2? and anyway thx :)
Bump :P
Hi mom! Can I have some of your milk?.... jk please I really don't want some ;)
Nice app support. I see you a lot and you would make a great mod :)
Sorry dat guys wrong dis is last time PLZ
Last time plz sorry lol
Sorry forgive me for spam
Hi, I would like to post a new infection map called Boardwalk. I know that you are getting a lot of maps but I really think that tis a good one....
Yea many people are just jerks(unlike me ;)) and they do that. But really now there are sooooo many hackers on infection that you cant even count them