Dude sorry for interfering but next time post this under "Report"
And also needs A LOT more info its missing a lot
Where it says "What time zone are you in?" You have to say like eastern- time western time or whatever stuff like that
If you want play with me on mineverse just post it right here. :D
potato for my dinner Well the money cuz you all know I'm so sexy and rich whine the poo cuz I want his honey Items: Dora the explorer A machine...
How can I start recording while I am in-game? I see lots of hackers and also I need to post infection maps
Um how do I record I want to know really just I don't know how plz tell me :)
A few more :P :
Here are some of the new things added:
Your ingame name: Omie2001 The offender's ingame name: Multiple IGNs A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: spam bots like...
Thanks guys and yea ill add more
Thank you so much :D I lov u noob and cyp <3 ;)
Notch was like "omie2001 *cough cough* you are the best player ever *cough cough* *dies*
Hi Sure, just I don't really like to Skype anymore
Your ingame name: Omie2001 The offender's ingame name: luna69 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: swearing Evidence/screenshots.
Your ingame name:Omie2001 The offender's ingame name: THE_WOLF02 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Glide hacks and...
Support :D :D :D I really hope CypriotMerks or Noobcrew say your accepted! That would be a great choice :)
Omie is the best and anyway 4