For a long time, I have wanted to make my own signature :) I have no idea how :P Can any1 help me?:)
Not true, many people hate me and idk y. And sure :)
What are you're favorite servers on mineverse? [Pick two of them and post them below] Mine are skyblock and infection :P
Okay. Um What do you mean by "Pm" :P lol
I am clearly the best (besides noob and cyp) Yup you heard me :D :P Look
Yea many people lost their rank on skywars. I didn't though :D You might want to tag a mod or admin to help you with this
Good bye :(
you guys rock! No, omie is better :p
I have changed my mind, I am staying
The least thing I want is attention
Okay...:) I won't only because I love mineverse
more evidence: