I normally don't post things unrelated to mineverse, but today I was messing around with a Chocapic13 V4-Medium shaders mod, optifine, faithful...
I like the idea but get rid of the egg for p10, if a zombie just threw an egg then typed /suicide : and threw another egg, that would be way to...
Well Elite gets 3 plots and that is half the price of God, God gets 5 plots so even though it is 2 times the cost of Elite, you get a bit less...
Support, but I would like to be able to disable it when I want because there are times I want to take damage to test things on my island.
That is understandable, thanks for the comment.
Support, but we would need 3 new maps to replace those if they did get removed, Perhaps a Christmas update ;)
Sorry, I don't have a screen shot of telling him to stop, you will just have to take my word that I asked him because I didn't want to have my...
Your ingame name: Halex00 The offender's ingame name: captianpigfan A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: I asked...
As bananaman said earlier, we could just give the command to head mods only but I see your points everyone.
I understand everyone's problem with trust and I like your idea with it being a head mod only perm. I honestly just said mod for 2 reason: a) if...
Hello again mineverse, its me Halex. Okay lets just cut to the chase and reason for this post. Recently the ability to silk touch spawners has...
alright let me try your ideas out guys
I am just going to cut to the chase and make this short and sweet. I teleported to someone's creative plot the other day and I was fine for a...
3yerrt I still have no idea how this map hasn't been added. Lots of support. Popular thread... Whatever I am sure it will be added with time...
Support I had that happen to me on a server before I came to mineverse. Lets just say that it made me quit that server and come here...
I really like the build but a main concern I have is that it is too parkour focused to get to the good hiding spots which makes it very easy to...
I am also just wondering why you are so defensive of another person's build I never even saw that plot before you pointed that out to me...
I just checked out that plot and honestly mine looks nothing at all like that... http://imgur.com/TifAFhO <- that is his plot. We both used a...
Thanks for reminding me on the //replace oak oak:12 command, I remembered to do that on the dark oak trees but not the normal oak ones. I am going...
When coastal cliff got added, I realized my flaws with the bedrock and the ladder on ship mast and I made sure not to replicate those errors on...