Hi so2315
Thanks Laura ^^ *bumpity*
Hi ^^
Thanks for looking at our thread. We (Cait and I) are still trying to catch anyone we can for you and the other mods... the staff seems to be on...
Thanks for the welcome Laura I appreciate it ^^
more pictures... there seems to be a pattern with Billy [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Another set of screen shots [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Caitlyn and I have been working together trying to catch these rule breakers... I have a few screen shots [ATTACH] BillyVDP put his bucket away...
Hope that's better LMurp007 and thanks for the suggestion
Good luck Caitlyn I support you. Knowing you as a close Minecraft friend and seeing how much you like to help out gives me good reason to support.
what do you mean the server is going down cue?
Hi guys I'm albealer. I don't really know what to say.... hmmmm ... ... Nyan ..................... is my nickname xD Anyway I love the...
Playing Minverse..... right after I clean my room xD
Hey Kron :3 how's it going? :P
I support you Kron ^^ Knowing you as a great staff member from the prison server I can back you with confidence. Good luck. :)
If only 85% support what do you think I could do to make my application better? I'm open to suggestions and willing to add anything within the...
Thanks for the support guys ^^
Thanks for the idea Daniel ^^
Thanks Caitlyn ^^ haha and will do maybe later this week. I'm on break so I can be online a lot more
Thanks ^^ Yin