no support
I'm kinda scared of this disease thats going around ;(
I support duh
Big shoutout to @stealthbomber320 for buying me god!
terreria or MV?
1: hmmm maybah 2:yea duh 3:Obey
in factions my ender chest got reset too
By the why your the 200th msg!
@stealthbomber320 @Grayson @flare_snuggles @jadey64 @blaa944
DjBoss DjPickle Djidk Djjjjjjjj DDDDDDjjjjj
1 Goal Be a mod for mineverse xD Another Goal Be a famous scientist ANOTHER... win in a pickle eating contest you know the word... Be a...
anyone wana play some steam together?
Thanks <3 <3 <3 <3 :3
can anyone log on?
Ok...I understand I used some harsh words in that but all I'm saying is that I want to forget about the past and focus on now.
Thanks! and welcome to the server forums!
go ahead!
never will you EVER see my identity...
Well everyone else is doing it so i guess I will do one, Well go ahead... ask me anything! (don't know what this is?)---...