I know advertising your mod app is ageist the rules bu is putting the link in your signature wrong?
yea i know he and NC are very busy people but maybe some day...
no he is not... Pile_Of_Butts is like 37
Support, really nice app.
Yes stealth I fully understand how i am your friend and how you want me to get it, I get it that your being nice any everything but please stop...
lol we need more ranks
1000 players on MV!
so many duppers on facs hurry up and reset!!!
this dup crap is stupid
yea I'm on right now and people are selling like 100super gaps
duh support
Support but about the reset... we keep our money right?
can anyone log on?
D1amondF1nder111 [IMG]
I find this kind of annoying how some people have "swag" or "swagger" or something else in there name if I want to get someone who has these...
nuuu why you leave btw if you have steam whats your ign?
meh 2