DIO: Farewell, Polnareff! *jotaro drapie ziemie (wiecie o co mi chodzi) * *dio wyskakuje do tylu i obserwuje jotaro*
*ciag dalszy mozg- Talk about irony. I tried my hardest to move inside his stopped time, but now I have to try my hardest to stay completely still.*
*dalej jotaro mozg tylko inna linijka- But Dio won't enter Star Platinum's attack range. It'll end up like it did last time. I have to make sure...
*jotaro mozg- Damn it. Polnareff'q going to get killed. I wanted to play dead as long as possible, until I could land a blow to his head, but.....
POLNAREFF: B-Bastard! This is impossible.. DIO: You cannot assassinate DIO. *tutaj to zdjecie jak caly zolty stoi ze znakiem w rece* DIO:...
DIO: And time will move once more. *Polnareff uderza o sciane na pelnej pizdzie* DIO: Too bad, Polnareff. With just a moment more, and with...
POLNAREFF: Die, DIO! *czas sie zatrzymuje* DIO: The World! Time has stopped.. DIO: So it's you, Polnareff? *punches pol pol in brzuch*
DIO: By.. *odcina znak* DIO: Chopping his head off with this! DIO: This is truly the end for you, JOTARO! *nagle za plecami skacze Lil Pol Pol...
DIO: I'd better play it safe. The Joestar bloodline has proven itself rather lucky. He might be trying to trick me by playing dead. I must end...
*Dio skacze przed niego - staje obok znaku drogowego*
JOTARO: Yare yare daze.. Throwing all those knives.. Now my valuable uniform is full of holes. *mozg jotaro- I stuffed my clothes with magazines...
DIO: Only I, DIO, should have power over stopped time.
DIO: Just two more seconds.. Is that all you can do? This proves that you really can move only for a moment. DIO: One more second.. DIO: Zero....
DIO: Being able to see this must be all the more terrifying, Jotaro! DIO: Three more seconds.. *rzuca noze a star platinum je odbija*
DIO: Once time begins to move again, I wonder if even your Star Platinum can manage to deflect so many knives. *rzuca następne noze* DIO: Four...
DIO: You've gone pale. When you saw these knives, you realized that you facce a more horrific fate than that geezer Joseph. JOTARO: *Bastard!...
DIO: I believe that you can only move for a moment now. But since you have invaded my world of stopped time, it would not be wise to...
*jotaro mozg*- This isn't good. I could move longer with some practice, but right now, a moment is the best I can do.*
DIO: Which makes me think.. Just how long can you move within my world of stopped time? DIO: Two seconds? Three? Or perhaps you can move five...
DIO: Your eyes followed me in the world of stopped time.. So you truly can see my movements, Jotaro. JOTARO: Seems so. DIO: Kakyoin did...