And, who know, maybe he was afk, i think you need way more proof for make him ban.
If its your friend or something like that and you dont want to ban him, why are you reporting make no sence ninja.
Suport !
Well.....Paskov is not gonna be ban for that.
You didin't unlocked maturity this chrismast right ? :P
You know what is more funny XD, its that your caling that a job :p
A job, hihihihi...sorry...your making me laugh sooo much :D
Just try to be happy ;)
There is no map, its what im trying to explain you...
(only the coordonates ;) )
No, its rei's minimap, there a option for just see the coordonates ;)
Wow. You are mean to everyone ok ....Look in chat, im serious, no offence there, but everyone hate you because you are never happy.
You are being mean to everyone, i dont think you should be guard seriously.
Hey, what's your problem, i said fking, and ?! I'm 19 years old, i said what i want. What the ****
Your ingame name: tobyranger12 Moderator name: DaddyHF A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: He mute me for nothing, wait,...
<3 u
Ya, daddy is rude a litle bit ;) its his nature.
Seamus is the best :P She should be mod !!!!