Euh xD Well its realy not against the rules. Mind your own business like i said
It is a pet....
Well noobcrew dont have time for look at that kind of report. If you didint know xD
There is nothing against the rule in that. Mind your own business.
Your ingame name: tobyranger12 The offender's ingame name: In1njai A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: He is Cursing on /msg,...
I dont know my warp on survival, i kinda need help, if i could delete them all, i would be soo happy. Because im god and i have 5 warp, i can only...
Your ingame name: tobyranger12 The offender's ingame name: benjam2000 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: He write in chat to...
Your ingame name: tobyranger12 Moderator name: MrParkourGuy A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: He muted me for 1 day by the...
Yeah you do, you tped people, the proof is that you tp ares and perrilz and alot more.
And ya+ you set your home in my base...its not factions ninja,,,its survival.
I was insulting you because you was in my house and you was tpying people and i said stop you said ''go **** yourself. Thats insane.
Your ingame name: tobyranger12 The offender's ingame name: CommandoTy1 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: He is spamming...
Just 1 thing, stop reporting everyone for nothing ;)
Eum, this person is not hacking ninja.....
But 1 thing sure, its that the girl is hacking !
Maybe, i dont know :/
There is another guy, but i cant see the name, sorry about that :(.
Your ingame name: tobyranger12 The offender's ingame name: Mc_Major A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Flying in the lobby (...
They are not hacking, you are just not good at pvp, i have the proof, i was recording when you was pvping me lol.
Paskov is the best :p nobody can ban him