My in-game name is OhhGlaze The offenders in-game name is rileybranom1 I am reporting rileybranom1 for kill aura. Evidence provided down below.(at...
My in-game name is OhhGlaze the offenders in-game name is Bailzpvp Bailzpvp was using kill aura as you see in the video provided down below he was...
My in-game name is OhhGlaze The offenders in-game name is Morris07 I am reporting morris for hacks (Kill Aura) Evidence provided down below:...
Glaze is love, Glaze is life.
Goodness please don't. Stay on topic please.
No point in really changing it. Like The_Doctor said just explain whats on it, if they buy it and expected something else thats their fault.
Support. Good luck.
Hehe. ya that NOOB :P
Exactly why are you bringing this back up? this has been fixed. No reason to reply to this thread..If you didn't notice this is from 2014..
Acutally I was a mod.
Life without Glaze is no life at all.
Stay Glazey my friends.
my ingame name is ohhglaze the offenders in game name is xXIIKDOGIIXx xXIIKDOGIIXx hacking using kill aura and anti knockback. I have video proof...
My ingame name is OhhGlaze The offenders in game name is NBN0305 NBN0305 is using hacks such as kill aura, anti knockback, and auto armor. (or...
Lol when people try to ban you because you kill them. :P my glaze is to op for them. Stay glazey.
My in game name is OhhGlaze The offenders in game name is xdeathstar111 The offender xdeathstar111 is advertising a deathwarp to make players lose...
My in-game name is OhhGlaze The offenders in-game name is wizzfizzkid wizzfizzkid hacking using kill aura. Video with proof of hacks. [media]
Ill be back