I am a huge, huge, gigantic, OMG, amazing, god, addictive, Borderlands Fan. It's just that the The Pre-Sequel made me lose hope of Borderlands.
I get 1fps on minesweeper I use this post to get more views.
I heard about it too, but I'm not that worried since well uh, I'm just one person. I like single player games so I don't get noticed around often.
Im replying to myself cus i can. Lol it may be bad at gaming kinda but PRO at editing lol EDIT oh budget of 40 aye Edit 2:...
Lol you guys don't even know the best mouse, it even states it in the name. Logitech MX Master mouse. *drops phone* No i literally dropped my...
Im going to get call of duty ghost Jk. Ghost is the greatest game i ever played
Im prob going to bump this, for views. I am a view whore
Yeah, $4.00 for Saints Row 4, now that's a deal! C:
My Christmas list: Don't have one, I don't celebrate Christmas. BUT, if I did celebrate Christmas, this is what I would get: 1. My family. 2. My...
Alright losers, are you guys excited for Winter Sale now that it is now here? If you are, what are you getting IF you are getting anything?! I...
what is a Krampus?
This post isn't 30 dayz old. c: )
I will add in the GetMoreFakeSubs mod into client for a small loan of $1,000,000 dollars.
Sorry, my employees wont get their butts up from the couch. Would you like to also have this exclusive mod called GetFriends mod?
French fries in box too
Selling hacked clients with exclusive mod where u can ban yourself and is the only mod in the hacked clients. Get now for only $99.00 FREE...
Nah m8, Huzuni Client has Oh pee kill Aura I youse all the tyme on mine verse decking noobz. Jk, my friend uses the client so I reported him.
It's really disgusting when people build those toilets that go all the way to the ground so the number 1 gets on your feet...
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