When that message shows up, (e.g. badly compressed packets) it could mean... -Lagging can cause the message to show up -You are moving faster...
I literally made this thread to improve infection, and nobody is even bothering to reply to it, this is why Infection is really just a death toll...
For a small loan of 1 million dollars
OOOO... I LOVE THESE QUESTIONS! I WOULD LOVE TO KISS... wait... i cant get a kiss...
Also, fonts and cosmetic stuff like colors. Do. Not. Matter. It's just for looks, and that's just optional, aslong as the you put effort into it,...
Please guys, don't even say "no support" without reason to back up with you don't support. Just because it's obvious to you doesn't mean it's...
Do you want to become someone's hero? Do you want to learn how to save people? Then this is not for you! 1. To become a hero, you are going to...
Wow, that's gross. You don't capitalize. That's really gross dude... don't expect me to give you legos anymore... bye...
PewdiePie replied. Does that mean I will get famous?
1. How to be famous. That's easy, you know those famous guys, Justin Bieber who puts his pants all the way down, or Kim Kardashian who takes...
Also, my point wasn't ment to tell or offend anybody of who they are, I was just pointing out that she changed her info, the #exposed stuff was...
Oh, sorry, I worded it wrong, I ment as in, please, as in the owner of this thread, to close this thread
Well I just don't see a point, she lied anout her info, yes, I will be honest, she seems to have a lot of potential, but, at the same time, I have...
Please close this thread, I feel like there's no point in this mod app, when she is obviously lying for I assume, "power"
I don't even need to write a full paragraph of what's wrong with this thread. Nice job, you are bad at covering up your tracks. She changed her...
I feel like Infection really could use a nerf as a whole, and the problem in Infection has been here for a while to be honest, and I think it...
I wasnt able to see my beatles collection emails :C
So, do you want to learn the story of how my Email got hacked? Do YOU want to learn how I got my Email hacked? Well, let me start this off......
I thought I would actually make a useful thread for once. I was wondering (or if anybody else was wondering) any good recording software. No. I...
*go to Alienware website* d00d I herd that alienware have fast pcs for a gud price *$1300.00* for a i3 and GTX 950* *goes to ebay*