Only truthfully cared for Mineverse when hacked armor existed. @samuelgamer123 @Camel .
I thought you "ran 3 servers". No support m8.
Look every group of people that are "empowered" over other users/people has to be corrupt. There wouldn't be an USA or You can't...
You can't even login to your minecraft account on Mojang.
What ever will we do.
Happened a long time ago. Fix it, and get over it.
It's a pixelated number. I could care less about Mineverse anyways.
Yeah I know who they are too.
Banned from ts also :P
Fix his rank. Please? (:
I so desperately want to rate KingAlex's posts dumb.. #BringBackDumbRating
+1 Davuh's mixtape
Sold my computer (:
got your head on KitPvP ;)
Beaners don't get their ranks back.
i love you