He admitted to it....
That isn't hacking, that is just lag or bad connection. :/
The screenshot shows him admitting to Tp Killing.
Your ingame name: McBaconMaker The offender's ingame name: Ducky_Puppy A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Ok so a bit of...
Don't act all cocky, I'm pretty sure this will end up a warning as I have heard that this isnt illegal (don't quote me on that) and also don't...
In my defence I had no idea this was illegal....
LOL. You joined on my Birthday. GG
Your ingame name: McBaconMaker The offender's ingame name: deathcheater666 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Abbuse and...
Australia utc10+ gg
Thanks man, I might not be on for a while due to internet issues but I think it's just a timezone muck-up that is stopping us from bumping into...
1. What is your ingame name - McBaconMaker but just call me Bacon. 2. What is you ingame rank( Donor ) - I am currently not a donor but I don't...
I have a total of 30 screenies if you need them.
Your ingame name: McBaconMaker The offender's ingame name: L3_SweeT/ TheBenusLTU A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Fast bow...
Your ingame name: McBaconMaker The offender's ingame name: The_Little_Rebel A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They were...