Hey guys it's Josh, I have been thinking. We haven't reset the KitPvP in like forever (it hasn't reset once ever since I joined over a year ago)....
Hey guys I'm Josh, I started playing minevers around a year or more ago. I'm a cocky pvper with a slow computer but still good. I joined at first...
Introduction to me Hi guys, it's Josh and this is my application but before you go on reading this I have been banned once for advertising...
Hey guys it's me Josh, I've been seeing a lot of people with kit fight running around lately it's been boring, so I decoded to try and give tips...
Hi guys, I know most of you don't know me unless you play kitPvP. i wanted to explain why I've been really in-active in case some of you were...
1.8s out get kitpvp to 1.8 simple suggestion
On kit pvp there's a rank called commander I was thinking we should make more than one free rank. It would give commanders a reason to save money....
Hi it's joshuawebb, Hacker: LutokingOL Me and my friends...
Hi guys, I was thinking we need a new map, the current map has unused areas and everyone stays at spawn. I think we need an improved map, I'll...
I've played OP PvP before but I got bored cause there wasn't much of a point to it, my idea is that there should be a currency. For example: A...
As many of you know, many kits have potions, but splash potions are disabled, therefore there is no point to them. My idea is: 1. Enable them Or...
I keep gettin kicked!!! I lost a full set of pIV with my sharp V I don't get it help me
Hello, I'm writting this because I was lvl V but I was bored cause I could not complete the ladder jump so I did lvl 1 and pressed the sign no...
scorpion1a2 hacking [media] [media] [media] [media] Last but not least Jetlitheassassin [media] And this concludes the 8 hackers all recorded on...
Here we have Peter_hej123 [media] We now have JoeDaBoss1 [media] [media] [media] This part 2 -Josh
Your ingame name: Joshuawebb The offender's ingame name: CAPRIMANUEL, SjorsBooijink, acebobby, raypang. A description of what rule they broke/how...
[media] This is the video Swift_flight123 is obviously using rapid-fire hacks for his bow.
How old are you? I am 14 Your in-game name: joshuawebb What timezone are you in? Pacific Time Canada What country do you live in? Canada What...
As the title says I'd like there to be an OP factions server I think it would be a good fun idea. I love OP servers and factions so why not mix em...
-Don't waste your time reading the problem is gettin taken care of...- Hi, I havn't been able to login for a month everytime I try I get an error:...