In 1.9, you can push other players, like mobs. Just wondering whether something will be done about this, because on some of the PVP servers you...
Do u have any respect that it took me 6 months?
Can someone please respond, this is a big deal, and I've seen NoMoreSanity and ThugMonkey trying to scam more people in the chat. @bananaman11223...
No Support.
Just more info I have now found He has an accomplice his name is ThugMonkey, He is also refusing to give back the item and says NoMoreSanity...
Here is your link NoMoreSanity, hope it works :D -Ember333
Spoke to him in game just then, I asked him if he was going to do his end of the deal, and he responded with this: He thinks he's being smart,...
Hi Recently I was playing sky block, and a player called NoMoreSanity (had god rank) cam to my attention. He said he was selling gravity guns on...
Or @bananaman11223 Can you just go on and do /warp chestremove I set a warp at the chest -Ember
@bananaman11223 I will be in game today at the time that message was posted So I'll be online in about 8 hours after this message is posted, Thanks
@bananaman11223 @12323emily
Hi it's Ember333 here IGN: Ember333 Recently I posted a thread about how I couldn't add people to my island, and about how I had a chest which I...
Yeh useful I know
No need zemerok, RawrImaEatChu Just do the command: /clearwarps zemerok This will clear your warps if you cannot remember what your warp was...
Thanks for help everyone But it still isn't solved Any other ideas -Ember
Unfortunately its not working, it says he's not online when he is when I try to invite him to my party. If anyone else has ideas please reply...
Hi guys, Recently I got playing sky block again and I started expanding my island. I have a few issues that need to be solved detailed in this...
thankyou :D
Idk who the banning mod is
Hi, I posted a ban appeal for sky block 2 days ago, and no one has replied. I have asked for feedback and advice, yet no moderators have replied...