Is this still an issue?
Np. :)
My friend. Look at me, I don't need MC to fight, I have babies, wife and biceps. My biceps protects me when Taz tries to hug me. Me my friend I...
Thread locked on request. If you disagree to this action, please report this post, and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it. Kind...
Sad to see you go. Worked hard, done things to the very best. ;( Good luck, my friend!
Surge, one of the last mods I expected to leave the team. You've done great things as your time as moderator. Please remember that we are always...
Hello, my friend
Support. It is extremely frustrating
Nova II
lawl. Never realized my friend.
When valve needed me to test something.
I believe you should get another shot at moderating., your time was cut short because of the reasons you've stated. I support, don't let me down. <3
The main reason we use the moderator approval for new members, is to stop spam bots. Before we had this threads with advertisers flooded...
I am guessing this has been resolved. If this is still an issue feel free to make another thread.
Hey Rob. Is your friend still stuck? Is so you can request a head or senior staff to teleport him out. Just reply to this thread if he is till...
Hey Only, I recommend making an appeal. You can make an appeal here: And use this template/guide:...