Ik. ;(
Thread locked for failure to adhere to forum rules and responsibilities. If you disagree to this action, please report this post, and a moderator...
Feel free to report this player again by using the format provided. Cheers.
Gratz! :)
Hey, I can help your daughter out due to me being able to force teleport players to myself. If you could please tell me her in game name and can...
Hey, Legendary Feel free to report this player again by using the format provided. ^^^^
Thank you for your report. This player has been warned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.
12 hours to complete.
XD Ask @Pile
10 Months here. Time has gone fast! ;)
I know it's been a month but I've only seen you once during that period. I could be wrong since your name changes.
I don't think I need to apply. Infection master. Plus I am the apprentice to the lord.
Hello! :)
Worked very hard as a staff member. Should traits of staff that could be here for a long time. Good luck Swift, Miss you! :(
Gratz on 3k! <3 Welcome back! :)
First they change the gun sounds? What is next, RPG's, K9 units.
Hey man, Could you please include what rule was broken in the report format. 12 hours to do so. Cheers.
12 hours to do so.