Oh I didn't know how or I would of
How Old I am: I am 10 years old My In Game Name: missminecraft05 My Timezone: southern hemisphere Were I Live: Australia ( Sydney) What languages...
Ok thanks like I would help when there are hacks or griefs
Ok thanks
Sis team pokemon am I in
Amazing I think you are going to be a moderator your amazing maybe could you please leave a comment on mine too thanks and BYE
Thank you too all that leaves a comment and please do leave some helpful things like you should do this and you should do that Thanks Yes I am...
Just put out a app to be. A
Please check out my other one this on has been deleted
He is doing it to me too
So bored
Dear noob crew I have been having trouble with this guy his username is darkenedpop and he has been rude to me and my sister missminecraft04 and...
I always get greifed in creative
yea please do something about this. at least ban them from survival creative or both many thanks! -missminecraft05
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!!!!!!! please
lol ikr u go down the glow stone staircase and there's a brick wrecking ball lol
no, it just lags out then i disconnect. it happens every time :( please look into this