love you
you're so fancy
http://i.imgur.com/js2Dvt6l.jpg XD
eyy sexy c;
What does that have to do with irl pics? xD
support, but a bit more detail on the 'why do you think you should become a mod' section would be more helpful. :)
you're amazing. js
i loaf tyou
Madison will approve of this. @MADIS0NJR
No support. Rude to Madison, me and probably more people. You aren't mature. You tried to make us look bad in a thread.
Can you close this thread? Honestly... this is so stupid. LOL.
wtf? Um? When I said that was me, I was joking. GTFO you creep. :)
kfrounutjixv1 oh my
I have never spoken to you. But anyway, thank you for what you have done for the community. Very much appreciated. Its sad to see you go. Maybe...
It happens... I'm sure you're not the only one. Kindly ask them to stop, or ignore them. ^
hi :)