who wouldn't go lesbo for you
<3 <3
pls pls
tbh I love you so much, and you're amazing. definition of p e r f e c t i o n.
tbh you've changed a bit and we don't talk as much. I still love you tho c: tbh I hardly know you and we should talk more.
I love you
tbh you can have your ups and downs but we don't speak much anymore. :L
tbh I don't know you so hi.
I love you so very much. end of story
I love you sosososososo much
oh you like alexa now I see how it is. //kills
Omg!! Congrats on your baby!! <3 Anyway, nice to meet you. If you need help with anything, I'm always here to help you. :)
Supernatural. Also, I've been re watching the walking dead, so I guess that counts.
aw. ily
hi c: