I don't know you,, :< But I would like to :3 HI YOU'RE SUPER GREAT TO SKYPE WITH ;3 :D ((I won't be able to Skype very often for the next few...
Hello! So, uhm, I see everyone is doing these so I decided to make one too I guess??
That awkward moment when you have to explain a joke to someone and they STILL don't get it
@TADS4 @Mookiezzx (even though I'm sure we have a mutual love-hate friendship thing) @Alan_Lee123 @Alan @HephaestusOG @gianni024
ign: finchkitty And okay ^^ Hope you come back soon :3
Support!! :D
Welcome! And wow, 5'2 and the age of thirteen? I'm only five foot and I'm thirteen. You lucky duck. I hope to see you in-game! :)
You were my favourite Mod, and I hope you return soon.
To be honest, I think the #stopMCsex spams are worse than the actual sex clubs. I mean, there's always going to be that ONE guy. There isn't much...
This isn't appropriate for younger children online.
I understand that, I mean the amount of positive ratings you have are extraordinary. I worded my previous reply wrong, I was just wanting to know...
I'm neutral for now because of the entire 300 negative ratings thing.
Okay ^^
Add more detail Don't be afraid to use colours! Bold your headings Become more active on the Forums I've seen you in-game and you are really...
He scams