Okay. Good.
:o thANKs You confronted me about it by spamming it inside a Skype group chat where two other people can see, hm.
I don't like where this is going.
Noooo Supporttttt
Mmph. You haven't seen it yet, it's pretty bad, but think what ya want to.
My smile is horrid. So yes.
:rolleyes: :p thank
Holy wOw that's nice thanks
http://gyazo.com/4435b2a29dec45d699e45feeb73f6a69 http://gyazo.com/12a981cfc28f4ee4369399b5c5ac6304 *cringes into nonexistence* i don't look...
What why not? vnv
You seem really nice, although I haven't seen you in-game, I don't believe ;^; Meh, we don't talk often, if at all really, and I never really see...
Okay, well, I know I don't know many people on here and I doubt you even know who I am, but, I'll try to give anyone who actually replies to this...
nether is one of my favourite maps ;^; is there any way to keep the lava from spreading like that?
Support. BUT WAIT! There's more! I like the build and all but it would be better if you took screenshots of inside the house and the boat, or you...
Well, in my opinion, I would prefer somebody with both good looks and personality, but I would definitely choose personality over looks in a...
Banned for being a good Mod.
Support. Support. Support. I need this.
I just looked up Minecraft servers online and BAM.