No problem. Just a tip, become more active on forums so you can get known better. Other than that, good luck.
1. Real name: Hannah 2. Nickname: Finchy 3. Favorite color: Orange 4. Gender: Female 5. Race: White as hell 6. Age: 13 7. Sexuality:...
there are a lot of things i don't tell you
Aww ;^; Your story is so sad. Please, please don't hurt yourself because of others. I've been through stuff like that before, and then I came to...
No support still. Sorry, and good luck! *salutes*
No support. Reaons: 1. You need to tone down on the colours. For a good visual, make sure they aren't so hard on the eyes and make a clear...
@Nightfire @AgentWifi @bananaman11223
But you had obviously retaliated with negativity back. If you do not wish to receive negativity then the simple and clear thing to do is be the...
My apologies, not intending to be rude, but anyone has a right to post on any thread that is created on the Forums. That honestly wasn't very nice...
Aw, okay. Goodbye
Meh, not very surprised tbh :p
bip I have a 5s but the screen is cracked ;^; And why tf do you people have so many unread emails...
Well, I'm not gonna lie, he is one.
I don't like fat old men. And get on Skype, you dork.
Nah, he doesn't look like that. He's much cuter.
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