There is no rules about no detail just the apps with more info seem to be succsesful.
Nice answerd the questions in a sentence good luck :)
Nice app, Good Luck
i agree with troy nice and color full though :)
depends which one a mod/admin sees first :P
Good Luck
Good Luck maybe some more info on why you think you should be mod :)
what if kron was a gurl like UMG not really kron is a guy :P
yeah ik i am not ur m8
nobody noes to hard to tell with troy (insert troll face here) :t :)
grats on member :P
There is one but no option to create the thread :/ anyway i caught a advertiser. [ATTACH]
:);):(:mad::confused::cool::p:D:eek::rolleyes::oops:o_O only these guys are good enough for MV troy
:P i have family in diamond creek and altham
dis better merd upp den da onesz dat got u merd oon
im dom and i play games
lol where u live :P
I live in latrobe valley gippsland or how u say it latrobe valley council gippsland region or something :P