he said he couldent get back online : > Question: is the texture pack updated to 1.7.2? @SlimSquirrel13
Noobcrew informed that this was, quoting from him
Nu, i mean like player shops. That players cane make and sell stuff them self
You can use a chest to claim a 9x9 land area
Shops!! muchos support!!
Umm, and a report place for the server? somebody just raided me ._.
More simply, just place a chest, and a 9x9 area will be claimed, if it not claimed aleready.
/siege wont work D;
And it seems that i have an error with expanding my claim too
Um, i think about a action plugins maybe?
Your ingame name: lolfighter1234 The offender's ingame name: JuniorFijn11, danielmoonfire, Neptune1268, haydehlloyd, rubikmaster99, lcain,...
TestTest :O
Age: 13 IGN: lolfighter1234 What will you bring us? My awsomeness, pvp skillz and sponsor items Rate yourself in Pvp from 1-100. ummm 93 What...
Thanks :D
Nvm, this is fixed now, someone archive this please? :=)
Is it just me or dosent infection work? @Edward Ray
Can you help me? o.o pl0x