cheesyfries1108 is saying mean and hurtful things
he is calling people rude names[ATTACH]
he is saying my real name and my friends and we don't want he to please can you do something about that
LotusRLs is advertising other servers
I am 13 years old My Ingame name is discipleofdread My time zone is in uk I live in England I speak English and a bit of French Yes I I a screen...
Sorry I forgot to clear the voice
I would like to become a moderator because I want to help the server become a better place. by me being a moderator it will allow me to find the...
[MEDIA] sorry for the lag in the video
they change there armor from leather chestplate to a iron chestplate [MEDIA]
Free donator Ranks! --> p l a y . r a g e r a i d . o r g <--Join Now
sorry not in iron in diamond at 2:00 mins in the video
[MEDIA] Pay Ingame name is discipleofdread his Ingame name is Quickscoper1710 He instantly turnd around and killed a player