Yes please
hey guys I am xToxic_PvPx I hope people join my clan and if you do send me your ign and I will let you in that's it very easy to join. I hope you...
Oh we're is it
I have use the format the grammar is different because in from the uk and my English spelling is deferent to yours and am not reacting to the...
I'm from a different part of the world to you so they are correct in my cuntry
You said that twice
That is very good support we need more Europe people as mod so good luck _Apex <3
And your new you lied about being on the server but good luck
N No support You are not active Maybe a bit more active and put more detail into it _Apex <3
You haven't seen me I game because your not active
Lol I already have
I have followed the format
thank you for the information I need to put in
Hi I am 13 years old I was born in January 7th 2003 my ingame name is _ApexNitro_ and Apex is my friends clan name. my time zone GMT The contrary...
he is saying give it back or wont be online
he is flying on water
badboy105 is fly hacking